• Sanctuary and Altar

  • Organ Loft

  • Cemetery

  • Parish Hall

  • the volunteers from Morrisville Presbyterian crack some eggs!
    the volunteers from Morrisville Presbyterian crack some eggs!
  • ready to serve
    ready to serve
  • the cereal table
    the cereal table
  • the coffee table
    the coffee table
  • Morrisville Presbyterian volunteers
    Morrisville Presbyterian volunteers
First Church’s longtime ministry is cooking and serving a hot breakfast on Saturday mornings

Saturday Breakfast

A hot breakfast  is held served to all comers on the first, second and third Saturday mornings of the month at 8am in Fellowship Hall.

Members of the congregation and volunteer workers from our helper churches in the area arrive at 6:30am, breakfast is served at 8:00 am and the doors close at 9:00 am. Between 100 and 150 people come for a breakfast of scrambled eggs, French toast, sausage, hash browns and cereal with coffee and orange juice.

Volunteers to cook and serve are welcome. Please contact the Church at [email protected].

Fellowship Hall is also open for the following programs:

Wednesday Coffee and Pastries 10am-12pm

Friday lunch 12pm-1pm

Donations help offset the cost of these programs. Checks should be made payable to the First Presbyterian Church of Trenton and sent to: First Presbyterian Church – Breakfast program, 120 East State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 or by paypal below.


Other Congregations that meet at First Presbyterian

Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Latinoamericana (IPULA) – Pastor Ángel José Parra


First Presbyterian hosts:

Arm in Arm (formerly Crisis Ministry) in our buildings on Hanover Street.

Arm in Arm connects people in need of food, housing and job support with people who want to help.


First Church is a Member of the The Presbytery of New Brunswick
